Average rating3.1
what a terribly lackluster ending to a book that cold have been amazing....
ok let me break it down.
i found this book on a whim and got it and read it quickly after release. i knew little to nothing about the story or author once i began (my preferred way of reading). i read it and was left thinking “why?”.
it's never good for a reader to be left asking that question but ESPECIALLY when a book has as much promise as flowerheart.
-LOVE the flowery magic
-love how the magic had a voice/personality
-the romance had its moments (especially considering childhood friends to lovers is my weakness)
-the relationship between clara and her father was heart-touching and amazing
questions i still have:
-why did the magic have a voice but no one else's apparently did??
-why is the council so “”"”bad””””??
-why is the mom in it for like a hot minute but then not mentioned again or brought back up again?
-why did xavier have to lose his magic??
im so disappointed. i hope this doesn't put me in a reading slump !!