Flowers from the Storm

Flowers from the Storm

1992 • 533 pages


Average rating3.9


6, 7, 8...ALL the stars!!!!!

I stayed up late last night to finish this, and during the final few chapters I bawled my eyes out. First sad tears and then very, very happy ones. I think this may be the best book I have ever read. Phenomenal. Such a unique plot...I've never read anything like it. Absolutely fantastic.

I have 3 more of Laura Kinsale's books on their way to me (all paperback, as her stories deserve to be read that way to get the full experience, imo) but they aren't here yet! I need more of her work PRONTO! In the meantime, I have to read this one all over again. I'm not ready to go on to something else. It will just pale in comparison.

November 7, 2015Report this review