Follow Me

Follow Me

2020 • 334 pages


Average rating4


This was a phenomenal thriller! Plenty of carefully placed red herrings abound. I secretly relished the premise of the story because I'm not a big fan of social media fame whores. I abhor all the former nobodies who've gained popularity based on their own narcissistic tendencies to post photos of everything they've eaten, worn, purchased, etc. It's sick how modern society feeds into the social media circus that is Instagram. In this story, the main character carefully planned her everyday life around hits to her Instagram account.
I'd like to give a big thank you to Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. for the free paperback copy of Follow MebyKathleen Barber that I received by entering the drawing here on Goodreads. I started reading it immediately and couldn't put it down. I would definitely recommend this book to thriller fans.

December 23, 2020Report this review