Cover 7




Average rating3


What in the man milk did I just read?

At first I was like, what's forbidden about this situation? But the suggestion at 20%? I CACKLED.😂😂😂😂

I should have trusted Alessandra. This is DISGUSTING. Also, really hot. Where can I get more of it? 🙈

💀I'm kidding. Nah, but tell me which other books have this EXACT scenario and where I can find them. Are they on Amazon? Smashwords? I need to know precisely where they are so I can effectively avoid them👀

Ouuuuuuu these MFs are N. A. S. T. Y.

Not the constant "Oh God!"

Like.....there's no God to be found in what you're doing with your stepson, my good man. No God whatsoever.

And what's with this 'protrusion' business? Just call it what it is. We're all adults here.

'........his large hand massaging the protrusion, probably to stimulate milk production. He must have been starving after days of illness.'

Mhmmm. That's what it is. The starvation.

I hate a dumb MC because....... 'But fuck, the tips of his breasts ached for Aksel’s mouth. That had to mean that he wanted to nurse him, right? What else could it mean?'

Indeed. What else could it mean?

“Do you get slick?”

His eyes wide, Lucien spluttered, “That’s—hardly an appropriate subject of conversation!”

A wry, humorless smile touched Aksel’s lips. “And showing your tits to an alpha and saying that they ache is?”

💀Whack him again for me!

Wanting to marry someone because they look like 'a poor man’s version' of your ex is crazyyyyyyy. So are 20 years of pining, though, so I won't judge.

They have the kind of love that would drive you to the psych ward(excited Leah noises in the background 💀)

I know this review focuses primarily on the sexual aspects of this book but I PROMISE you, this is one of the sweeter, more emotionally tugging romances by AH in a while.

This man literally said he'd rather not have kids with anyone else because he'd never be able to love them as they deserved because they're not a part of the other MC.

That 'I'd rather die than live without you' kind of love. Unhealthy AH codependency. The works.

The man milk is a happy bonus.

July 11, 2024Report this review