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Foreign to You

Foreign to You


Average rating5


The author of this one very graciously sent me a copy in OCTOBER (I just checked) so sorry for the delay here. I loved this book. I loved it. An absolutely wonderful idea and it read as not only fresh and revitalizing, but enjoyable on every page. I picked it up right from the beginning and was immediately absorbed. Honestly, I was sold on this novel in like the first five pages. Actually, the author and I had previously talked about how much I loved the watercolor-style cover art, so I was kind of sold on it before even starting it. 

The story may follow fairytales or mythology, but if it does, I was not familiar with it, so this was wholly original and new for me to read. It doesn't follow a typical fantasy format, nor does it just hand you the “chosen one” and not reward you for buying in. Twists, turns, betrayals, yearning. You name it. This story has it. And I want more. It made me laugh, it made me tear up, it made me think twice about what I was reading because of the body-horror level description, and the action was well placed and well described as well. 

The fianna (shapeshifting deer) and the humans and hunters are at an uneasy peace. Will it last? Will there be a giant stag god? I don't know, read for yourself...

Absolutely worth your time, money, or energy to read. 

January 7, 2022Report this review