Cover 4

Forget Me Not


Average rating4


3.5 Stars

I am kind of wavering between three and four stars for this book. It was a solidly written book that was well paced. The plot was engaging. It was a fairly sweet book without too much angst. The sex scenes were pretty mild, but still suitably hot. There was a great cast of secondary characters, and the ending was sweet. All positive things...

That being said, I did struggle with a couple of issues. One, there was some other woman drama in the form of an ex that couldn't take the hint and physically threw herself at the hero almost every time they met. Now the hero shut her down every time, but if you follow my reviews, you know how much OW drama like that annoys me. To be fair, there was also OM drama in the form of the heroine's ex hell-bent on causing issues. But it felt more necessary to the story and therefore didn't bother me as much.

The other issue I had was the main characters themselves. They both came off as two people in their early twenties, and not thirty years of age. I also really struggled with liking Annabelle at times. She just came off so annoying and immature. Particularly that scene in her office when a coworker gets physical with her and Sean defends her. Her reaction towards Sean was very uncalled for. They also both spent WAY too much time in their heads. The hero thought he wasn't good enough for Annabelle because she was smart (save me). And Annabelle was incredibly insecure about being Sean's “type” (again save me). This got slightly annoying as it continued through the entire book. The whole insecurity thing and their reactions to certain situations just didn't fit with two successful thirty-year-old adults.

So yea, a bit of a mixed bag, but I liked it well enough to give the other books in this series a try.

August 22, 2018Report this review