Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock

2013 • 277 pages


Average rating3.8


I didn't really like this book that much. I get that it's supposed to show you the feelings and the reasons behind why someone might want to kill themselves (and someone else I guess). But I just could not get behind Leonard as a character. I did not sympathize or relate with him because killing someone is wrong. I don't care what they did. I also really hated the love interest. I don't even remember her name that's how much I didn't like her. I also hated the way Leonard treated her and wouldn't respect her. I had heard things about this book. Never good or bad, just things. I guess this book just wasn't for me. Also those letters to the future had me all confused for like the first and second one, I was like what the hell is happening and what are these? One last thing. Footnotes are the worst and the interrupted my reading and I hated them.

January 2, 2018Report this review