Cover 5




Average rating3.7


I forgot I had this one and originally the intent was to read this one first and then Endurance. I failed.

As a fan of Razorland, I never really felt the need to know exactly what happened before Enclave. Mostly because I was already heavily involved in the story Enclave was trying to weave. However, for world building purposes I can see why this one would be necessary or at the very least help out some.

Overall, this was an interesting read. We get to find out what happened in the days leading up to the chemical warfare that was unleashed upon the world and ultimately what drove people underground. We also find out how freaks were created and it's not what I think most expected. I didn't. You also get to learn how the College Enclave was founded along with how the system of builders, breeders, hunters and word keeper were created.

So yes, the title is very fitting.

It was a quick read, about 20 pages. It's not the action packed reads we are used to but a nice addition nonetheless. I would recommend it because I think it would give the fan some nice theories as to why the Freaks are behaving the way they are as of late.

December 18, 2012Report this review