From the Depths: Red - The Red Hand

From the Depths: Red - The Red Hand

2016 • 79 pages


Average rating4


The plot centres around the revolution of an oppressed race against their oppressors, of the spark that started the revolution, and the tragedies and pitfalls that follow.

The only problem I have with this novella is that the Numenera setting wasn't used much at all. Sure, the setting is a giant borehole of unknown purpose that's very much the Ninth World, and it does have some numenera (i.e. relics of power from a different age), and even passing mentions of locales that can be visited in Torment video game - but they're rather weak references. You could essentially replace the setting and the weapons used with fantasy or real-world elements and the story won't be much changed.

But it's only a complaint because the novella is supposed to showcase the Ninth World, and I felt like that objective was a miss. But by itself, it's a beautifully written story, with a great pacing, and memorable prose. A roller-coaster ride of emotions - very much in tune with the objective of a novella showcasing the Red Tide, which represents passion, action, and zeal.

July 3, 2017Report this review