Fusion World
Fusion World
Average rating4
When reading this story the question you have to ask your self repeatedly is:
“What is the Fusion World Project?”
Because while reading the first hundred pages or so, the reader doesn't know. This story is written as if you are coming into a TV show in the middle of a season. This might seem a bit discombobulating for some readers, but for me, I was intrigued. I wanted to know more about the characters, and why they were reacting the way they did. The author keeps you in the dark a bit, doling out pieces of information as the story progresses until you can put everything together like a jigsaw puzzle in the end. Often when authors write multiple books in a series, each book is a mini story in of itself. Each book has a small story arc that plays into a much larger story arc. This does have a story arc, but instead, I felt like I was reading one part of a single story. But, I know that this story is only laying the general framework for great things to come.
One thing that completely floored me was the ending. As I said, I spent a lot of this book grasping at the pieces of the story and slowly building the backstories. But, right around the 75% mark, BAM. Everything began to fall into place and I audibly said “Oh Holy Shit” a few times. Tamone brought everything together and I was cheering for the characters.
A fun parallel I drew while reading this story was the Philanthropy Team was a ragtag group of members. All had different strengths and weaknesses trying to overcome huge odds. It made me think of the 80's movie Red Dawn. The writing is much better in this story, but I could just imagine Sajaler shouting “PHILANTHROPY” while spray painting it on an enemy tank.
I had a lot of fun reading this story. Even when it felt disjointed in the beginning, it still had amazing dialog and character creation. I am looking forward to the next book where Tamone feels even more comfortable in the characters and they stretch out a bit. Give this story a try, you will dig it. It is a great example of science fiction.