Cover 3




Average rating2


This whole volume was meant to evoke tragic sadness and frustrated anger I guess. It... didn't work for me. I was kind of proven right with regards to Tae - she serves as nothing more than a weak point for the awesomeness that is Kurono. I get that a hero needs a weakness, but the way the keep crying out for each other comes across as somewhat annoying. I might have felt more for her if Tae actually had a personality. The better parts of this volume are actually the side stories. I like how Sakurai gets fleshed out with more backstory and that poor kid. It'll be interesting to see what happens to that child in future missions (I hope the kid's not just a setup for another tragic scene). And Izumi... I get his rationale, but I find the lack of responses towards Izumi after the whole thing is over to be quite baffling and irritating - just like that massacre. It's like the moment the mission ends, all is forgiven, which doesn't make sense.

October 16, 2020Report this review