Cover 6




Average rating3


Ok, things are picking up again after a poor run. The new oni aliens are pretty intimidating and the whole mission thing is escalating beyond just a small area. There's a huge number of aliens this time and bystanders and pedestrians are getting caught up in the confrontation. Reika gets her chance to shine, but off-screen for some reason. So Earth is looking at some sort of alien infiltration, which I can get behind, but there's obviously a disconnect to the aliens in the earlier missions. I suspect this infiltration idea wasn't really fleshed out very well yet earlier on, so that's understandable.

I like this volume, but one thing I really dislike though: why are the vampires friendly with the aliens? If they know that the “black suits” also attack aliens, why do the vampires still think of them as “vampire hunters”? The vampire group is such a vague and aimless group that you can just paint them as a different alien species and there would zero impact on the story whatsoever.

October 16, 2020Report this review