Cover 4




Average rating1


Lowest point of the series for me. Things got bloody again, but with the vampires instead. No mission at all. The appearance of a investigator digging into Gantz and finding a now-freed Kurono piqued my interest a bit, until that ultimately went nowhere and he turns into the tool with which Izumi and Gantz got identified. What a lousy way to end some lives. Izumi died first. And apparently, right at the end, he chose to sacrifice himself to save his personality-less girlfriend. Seriously, the girls of the protagonist and antagonist exist solely to kill off the main characters. A truly unsatisfactory end to his horrible deeds. Same with Kurono. He dies... because he couldn't handle a vampire assassins, yet had no problems dealing with humongous dinosaurs. I can only imagine that he died because the plot needed someone to revive him for later? Oh, and that brother Kurono suddenly had? Yea, this volume basically showed the whole point of why that brother needed to exist - to tip him off. That's it.

October 17, 2020Report this review