The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth-Century Revival - Volume I
An encouraging read on the life and ministry of George Whitefield. Volume 1 has covered up until the age of 26 and it has captivated me more than I expected. I assumed 1200 pages about one man would be dull, but having finished volume 1 I can say it is certainly not dull. Whitefield's life is an encouragement to read about and a challenge to pursue the glory of Christ as fervently as he did.
Dallimore does well to note faults of Whitefield and not paint him as some angelic saint. He was a sinner who did great things for the kingdom of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. Dallimore is also careful to correct many slanderous and false accounts that have unfairly tainted the memory of Whitefield. The way in which Whitefield dealt with his disagreements with his once close friend John Wesley was particularly encouraging. His gracious writing and charity toward those he disagreed with over doctrine (particularly over Calvinism) is a challenge and example to all Christians.
And to finish, a few quotes from the book:
“Be humble, talk little, think and pray much.” (Whitefield's advice to a new believer)
“I got more true knowledge from reading the Book of God in one month than I could have ever acquired from all the writings of men”
“His stand against an unconverted ministry had its counterpart in his labours to strengthen the hands of every pastor who gave evidence of being regenerate. Among such men Whitefield was ever the Mr. Great Heart, encouraging the downcast, helping the poor and befriending the lonely, and, though he sometimes administered a well-deserved word of rebuke, his aim was to see every ministerial life consumed with a burning zeal for God.”
“To Whitefield the doctrines of grace were not separate tenets, to be accepted or rejected one by one, but a series of truths so joined together as to compose a great system of theology”
“We can preach the Gospel no further than we have experienced the power of it in our own hearts”
Now on to Volume 2!