Getting Results the Agile Way: A Personal Results System for Work and Life

Getting Results the Agile Way

A Personal Results System for Work and Life

2010 • 272 pages


Average rating2.8


I want to give this book 5 stars. I just can't. I stumbled upon Agile Results while reading the great book [b:Creating Flow with OmniFocus 11822951 Creating Flow with OmniFocus Kourosh Dini 16777404]. Checked out the website, like what I read and purchased the book.I could have stuck with the website.The book is poorly edited, extremely repetitive and felt derivative. Some of the concepts I had heard before by different authors. That part isn't too bad because he does bring them together in an interesting way. The big takeaway for me was the Rule of 3. I'd suggest the author find a new editor and for the second edition focus on quality, not quantity. You have a lot of decent raw material here it's just poorly organized. It seemed like you took a bunch of blog posts put them together and didn't really hang a structure on it.In the end, I'm going to put some of the ideas into practice and if it helps me, I'm happy to have supported the author. I just wish the material was laid out in a better way.

August 26, 2016Report this review