


Average rating4.5


I really liked this. I see a lot of people are disappointed that the book marketed as a romantic mystery was a romantic mystery and not a thriller. Welp. :)

I was invested, and a couple of the twists really took me by surprise.

Was it instalove? For sure, but it had to be to make much of the book work. We have a woman who falls in love in a week, and then knows something is wrong when he cuts off contact. Everyone is quick to believe she's just deluded, and she has to even doubt her own beliefs. If this were a guy she'd been with forever, that would be a very different dynamic.

I don't read romance novels nearly as much as I used to. This is a major understatement, actually. They used to be 90% of the books I read, and now I am very eclectic. So, when I read one, I think my expectations are at another level. I think the mystery element really made this for me.

December 13, 2020Report this review