Ghosts of Harvard

Ghosts of Harvard

2020 • 482 pages


Average rating3.7


This went in a direction I expected and also a direction I didn't expect. I figured out one of the bad guys right away. There were other bad guys though and some people aren't as bad as I thought they were. So these characters really changed and grew throughout the book. That was a positive. The ghosts weren't quite what I expected, but I'm okay with that.
There is a big negative and a small negative though. The big negative that was distracting was the eating parts of the book. I think the authors mentioned a different restaurant for every meal Cady ate and there were a lot of meals! That took me out of the story because I would think how crazy it is that she tried another new to her place and I would also struggle to ‘see' the area. The small negative was the last chapter and the epilogue. I get why they were important, but I think it would have been better with one of them and not both of them. Those are really just a couple small things that took me out of the story. Overall it was a really great story of family and grief with a little supernatural and a little thriller thrown in.

October 6, 2020Report this review