Given, Vol. 3

Given, Vol. 3



Average rating3.9


Given (pun fully intended) that I already loved the previous two volumes so much, I had really high expectations going into this one. My expectations were definitely met, but I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the previous two volumes. But I still loved it nonetheless!

I think I became too reliant on having Uenoyama and Mafuyu's arcs carry my enjoyment of this story. Because of this, having their presence be overtaken by the side characters' stories during the later chapters of this volume left me wanting more. It isn't that big of a deal, since this is one of those stories where I am genuinely invested in all the characters—including the side characters.

Speaking of side characters, Akihiko's roommate, Ugetsu is so fascinating. Something about him just makes me get this craving to read more about him. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but if a plot surrounding him overtook any future volumes then honestly I'd be kind of thrilled.

November 5, 2021Report this review