Glass Faerie


Average rating5


December 2016: OMG OMG OMG WE HAVE A TIME THING WHEN IT MIGHT BE RELEASED! April. That's like 4 months away whaaaat omg I'm so excited!!-
After just realizing I have never actually posted my review (shame on me), here we go:
Glass Faerie is the seventh book in the Creepy Hollow series and follows the story of our new main character Emerson Clarke.
What I liked right from the beginning of the book was the fact that this one starts off differently than the previous books. Before we've had Violet and then Calla as main characters who both grew up in the Creepy Hollow world and know of the existence of magic and Faeries because well, they both are one. So it was refreshing to see the take on a main character who actually doesn't know all this but only discovers this magical world throughout the book.
This also shows that Rachel is capable of writing different kinds of characters which don't seem all the same in terms of character traits and the choices they do.
Speaking of characters: I think Em went through a great character development throughout Glass Faerie. Not only because she discovers she has magical abilities but she also seems stronger and a bit wiser to me towards the end of the book.
Furthermore, I really enjoyed the mix of old & new characters in this book. It felt like coming home when we met the old crew again -.
The plot was always interesting and gripping in my opinion! One thing I liked was the fact that the focus was on Emerson's struggle with her new life rather than on a potentional love relationship between her and another character of which there were just hints.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book and it met my expectations. Again 5 stars!

April 15, 2017Report this review