2021 • 440 pages


Average rating4


Glint is book 2 in the Plated Prisoner series by Raven Kennedy and it is G O O D.

A much different speed/ storyline in book 2, as we follow Auren during her time with the Fourth Kingdoms army. She is petrified they will hurt her in more ways than she could imagine, but does that happen? Or does being around Commander Rip and the several kind people in camp crack her ideas of what ‘safe’ and ‘protected’ mean?

I really felt for Auren in this book, she is scared, she is essentially alone, she doesn’t know what is going to happen to her, and she doesn’t know how to protect herself. The other saddles don’t like her and don’t want to see her. She is not allowed to see the Sixth Kingdom guards. She has to sleep in the commanders tent, but he hasn’t made a pass at her yet so she is on edge.

I really enjoyed Glint. It was focused on Auren’s character development and poking holes in her previous ideas of what it is like to be treated well. There was also the dual POV from Queen Malina which was amazing.

Queen Malina was overshadowed and looked as lesser just because she was a woman. King Midas stripped away all the heritage and history of the castle, and now that he is gone in Fifth Kingdom, she is tired of being under his thumb and is going to make some much needed changes. She has so much anger pent up inside about how her life has changed the past 10 years, and she is done.

The Dual POV was great! While I enjoyed Auren’s POV more, I thought the twist in the story to focus on Queen Malina was really intriguing. I will be excited to see what happens next with her.

Honorable favorite character mentions go to Lu, Rissa, Keg, Hojat, Rip, Judd, Orsik.

My least favorite character is Midas (obviously), but I think that is what makes him a great character. He is clearly going to be a bigger villain for Auren as time goes on, and the author does a great job writing him as such.

Overall, Glint by Raven Kennedy was a riveting installment in the Plated Prisoner series, and I can’t wait to jump into book 3! I would recommend this book and the series as a whole so far to everyone.

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September 2, 2023Report this review