Go Set a Watchman

Go Set a Watchman

2015 • 288 pages


Average rating3


Important Point: There are some shenanigans in how this book was published. Borrow it from a friend or get it from your library. If you purchased it, try to let your friends borrow it. The book has been published, read it. Not reading the book won't help.

State Powers/Federal Powers
Small Town Values/Striking out on your own
Parental Esteem/Parental Awareness
Forced Government Change/Local Environment Change
A writer's first draft/A writer's final publication

These are just a few of the conversations you will want to have after reading Watchman. These are also conversations that we are having in 2015. We are all bigots in our own ways, but the thing that has changed is that we can acknowledge we are all obstinate. We need to listen to each other, care for one another, and make changes in our communities so the government doesn't have to overreach. The best and worst change we can make is our family. How do your children see you? How will your children follow the watchman that has been set?