God gave us two

God gave us two


Average rating5


Around here we have no shyness about getting excited to read books about adding a new baby. While part of me wishes we had books like this to explain before OrangeBlossom was born, now with AppleBlossom at 30 months old and almost six months of adoring her little sister... our AppleBlossom is very alert and attentive to learning more about this big sister business. I love [a:Lisa Tawn Bergren 73754 Lisa Tawn Bergren http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1299528643p2/73754.jpg] in every genre she tackles and especially-so in her [b:God Gave Us So Much 8075430 God Gave Us So Much Lisa Tawn Bergren http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1271892594s/8075430.jpg 12789310] series. (Have you heard my excitement over the new board books?! [b:God Gave Us You 11160299 God Gave Us You Lisa Tawn Bergren http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1311189672s/11160299.jpg 866941] and [b:God Gave Us Love 11598343 God Gave Us Love Lisa Tawn Bergren http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1327927610s/11598343.jpg 6826663]) It is no surprise to me that [b:God Gave Us Two 843546 God Gave Us Two Lisa Tawn Bergren http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1327972992s/843546.jpg 829075] is a new favorite. In this book using as always incredible illustrations from [a:Laura J. Bryant 240456 Laura J. Bryant http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1319467331p2/240456.jpg] the mama and papa explain to their little cub how important and precious she is and about the new one that is an addition and not a replacement for her. This a great affirmation and since we added it to our library a few days ago we've read it more than a dozen times at AppleBlossom's request! Thanks to the Blogging for Books program for providing a copy for review.

January 25, 2012Report this review