Cover 8

Going Rogue



Average rating4.5


Executive Summary: As the title would indicate this book focuses heavily on rogues which is definitely right up my alley. This series continues to be a lot of fun, and I'm eager to see where the overarching story will end up.

Audiobook: Roger Wayne does another fantastic job as a narrator. He does a variety of voices adding that little extra something to the audio book that makes it a great option for reading this book.

Full Review
In D&D and most fantasy games, I've always favored Rogues. My stupid amount of playtime on my World of Warcraft rogue can attest to this fact. So it wasn't a surprise to me that I've enjoyed this book the most of the three so far.

The rogue training is awesome, and I wish my D&D rogue had done something nearly so interesting for his backstory. I'd love to see some aspects of this incorporated into class quest lines in WoW as well.

The writing is funny, with a lot of inside jokes to pen & paper RPG players to enjoy, that may go over the heads of those who haven't played. That shouldn't turn you away though, as Mr. Hayes has a great set of characters for you to love (or hate in the case of the Dudebro players).

The three interconnected stories with the notion of our world and the world of Spells, Swords and Stealth being connected by magic artifacts continues to scratch my cyberpunk itch, but in a largely fantasy setting.

Thistle & Co (The NPCs) continue to be me favorite story to follow, but Randal's group offer quite a bit to the story as well. And then there is our notorious group of asshole players, who I spent the entire book rooting against yet again.

There were some really interesting developments to the overarching plot-line that has me really looking forward to the next book in the series. I'm really interested to see where Mr. Hayes takes this next.

March 10, 2017Report this review