Golden Boy

Golden Boy

2021 • 320 pages


Average rating4


I was vaguely aware of this story. I think I might have googled it at some point and that was part of the reason that I requested it as an arc. This book takes this crime to another level. This is the story of a young man who is deeply disturbed, whose mental state went unchecked and was never properly treated, whose drug use was rampant, and was lost. It took murdering his father in cold blood to try to figure out why. I think privilege plays a big part in this story at least in my opinion. This young man had everything handed to him and still, he fell apart and committed a crime that did not need to happen. Thomas Gilbert, Jr., was adrift. Not interested in the finance business that his father tried to steer him toward. He continued to flounder, but his dad supported him so not much changed by way of his living situation or social life.

This is such an upsetting story, on so many levels, and while I commend the author for his thorough research, I was left questioning so much at the end. This is my type of true crime book though because I went through an entire roller coaster of emotions from start to finish.

December 31, 2021Report this review