Good riddance

Good riddance


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“CRUD: Completely Ridiculous Useless Debris” aka this book.

These two ladies try to be funny, but are not. Remotely.

An example of their “humour”: “Thank Walt Disney for your life-long attachment to plush toys. Start new addictions more appropriate to your age and station in life. Consider cosmetic surgery and anti-depressants as substitutes.” (p. 76)

An example of their pointless advice: “If you are a purse-aholic, thinning your considerable collection will be difficult. Start with the more expendable wallets and change purses.” (p. 58)

[Yes, that is the entire section on how to purge your purse collection.]

The worst, most counter-intuitive suggestion in the whole book: they advocate throwing away your 3-hole punch!

Skip this book. Your time is better spent doing almost anything else.

October 26, 2013Report this review