Guardian Spirits
2018 • 200 pages


Average rating5


I have had this audiobook since it came out but I didn't want to listen to it and not have it to look forward to. I finally gave in and I enjoyed it as much as I expected to.

Sometimes Jordan L. Hawk's books remind me of Indiana Jones movies, in the best way. This one has that feel, of a wild and dangerous adventure with very menacing villains. But there is also a really nice found-family theme, and of course I far prefer these characters to anyone in an Indiana Jones movie.

I really appreciate that none of the villains in this book make racist, transphobic, or homophobic remarks or threaten sexual violence at any point, and that there is no on-page coming-out scene for any major character. Instead, Henry and Vincent both have to cope with some issues from their pasts. I also like that Henry, Vincent, Jo, and Lizzie act as a team for most of the book.

This is the scariest book I've read by this author so far, but that may be down to Greg Tremblay's narration, which is great. I reread the first two books in this series many times before the audiobooks came out, and to me, he chose the perfect voices for all the characters.

This feels like the ending of this series, and I'm very happy with it! Now we just need a new series about Jo's adventures in Europe! (Only kidding, I really am satisfied, but I would also enthusiastically read that.)

December 24, 2018Report this review