Gun Shy
2017 • 369 pages

Great cover on this one. Good representation of the female lead. Good compoition and title work as well.

So this book was amazeballs. I kind of want to just leave it at that since I am not sure anything I write will do this one justice. I LOVED it. Every page. Every chapter. Every sentence. Every word from beginning to end was pure twisted magic. Phenomenally well written. The pace was perfect. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. So much so I skipped lunch so I could read this one straight through. And lord knows I love food. The small town setting was delightfully bleak. The characters were captivating and well developed. This had darkness. This had mystery. This had twists and turns. This had love. I think I'll just leave it at that and say if you love a good physiological thriller then you should be adding this one to your “to read” list ASAP. Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.

September 30, 2017Report this review