Average rating3.5
TL;DR Skip the book and just go with the movie inspired by it.
This book was a major disappointment. It supposedly tells the story of Queen Esther, through a diary Esther wrote late in her life for the benefit of another Jewish woman who has entered the harem. An odd set up that requires a great amount of effort in suspending disbelief. Somehow this diary has been secretly preserved and hidden at the behest on one family. This is when it gets bad- instead of the story of Hadassah becoming Esther, we are now focused on this modern Hadassah and her imminent wedding.
This book is purposefully misleading , skimming over Queen Esther's life like it wasn't important in the slightest just to set up another book. Just watch the movie inspired by this book- at least then, we see Esther's struggle and character- she's ambitious but incapable of cruelty, she is a romantic but remains sensible whereas this book simply has a cardboard cutout of a woman for the author to mess with. No personality traits ever come through, except for her love before 1st sight with Xeres and the severe internalized misogyny Esther has.