Average rating3.9
I'm torn. I really am. Should I be happy or sad after that ending? Is Yarvi the devil incarnate, and therefore deserves to burn in the depths of hell for being a ruthless, cunning traitor, or is he a man who struggled under the weight of power and did his best to steer the Gettland and the Shattered Sea towards a unified future? Is Yarvi the man with the wicked, ruthless glean to his eyes and enough ambition for 100 men, or is he the man who broke down with tears before Princess Skara?
Is the conclusion to Raith's story the happiest it could be for a man who scorned all he once was and stood for and could never be with either of the women he wanted?
All becomes dust. If Raith's perspective has told me anything it is this. War, peace, kings and high kings come and go but ultimately, all returns to what is was before.