Half Truths
2019 • 350 pages


Average rating3.3


The book description had me expecting an awesome story with a strong, intelligent heroine who would be cunning enough to take down the secret societies and cause some mayhem as payback for what happened to her brother/friend. I should have known what kind of book this would be when the stupid, weak, vain heroine does the trope-y cliche of tripping into the snarling handsome asshole who she ends up loving (of course) – I should have dropped the book right then and there for this scene alone. Her so-called “investigation” is laughable. The secret societies are so cringe-worthy. Also ... hello, telegraphing the villain much? I'm shocked the word VILLAIN wasn't written in marker across their forehead. WTF. (Which goes to show how doubly stupid the main character is.)

This story could have been SO MUCH MORE. Instead we have characters bumbling all over the place like idiots, no chemistry between characters who are supposed to have the hots for each other, and overall epic levels of eyeroll-worthy cringe.

December 12, 2020Report this review