Average rating3.9
Wow. This book has a non-stop pace, for reasons that will be obvious to the reader but cannot be explained to others without spoilers. I'll just say “clear your calendar” because you'll not find ANY good stopping places.One of the things that truly impresses me is that [a:Kevin Hearne 4414255 Kevin Hearne http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1289238438p2/4414255.jpg] doesn't just show his characters doing amazing things, but shows them experiencing the consequences of their actions – some expected, some totally unexpected. I truly enjoy his views of archetypes and myth, especially coming from a character who walks around speaking to gods, having a beer with Jesus and throwing down with Thor.I'm so glad that I have [b:Tricked 12700306 Tricked (Iron Druid Chronicles, #4) Kevin Hearne http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1324455119s/12700306.jpg 16669362] on hand, but I wish Trapped were out already! At least I have the extra [b:A Test of Mettle 13145815 A Test of Mettle Kevin Hearne http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1323216768s/13145815.jpg 18323275] to read, too. I just can't get enough of Atticus.