Hard-Boiled Stories from the Cat Bar

Hard-Boiled Stories from the Cat Bar

2020 • 196 pages


Average rating2


Credit where credit is due, this was a really unique idea that fell flat in execution. Some of the really early panels where these hardened hitmen/cops/bouncers were talking all lovey-dovey about cats really made me giggle, but the plot was incredibly hard to follow. I'd love to summarize it, but I really can't. Something about how one guy was killed, leaving behind his cat Dandy who hangs out at the cat bar with other cats, and dudes there to drink away their stresses. Another guy chasing down Dandy's owner finds his way to the cat bar and starts interrogating the people there about some list of names that Dandy's owner left behind(?). This list of names is incredibly important to this man, but the guys there don't know anything about it.

There's also flashbacks while this is going on that confuse the issue more than clear it up. There's no clear delineation between current time and past time, and maybe it was issues with translation or something, because I couldn't follow the story at all. I read a lot of confusing literature and tons of manga, and I couldn't really follow the thread of the plot, unfortunately.

But the art was fantastic! The cats were cute! I just wish the story held up.

October 16, 2022Report this review