Cover 7

Hard Crush

2018 • 267 pages


Average rating4


This was a pretty decent read. Nothing revolutionary about the plot but it was a very well written book. The pace was perfect. It was a fairly quick read and the story while a little on the predictable side was nonetheless engaging and kept me turning the pages. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet ending.

HANK...I don't have anything bad to say about him. He was a sexy geek with glasses. He was a sweet guy. He appeared to be a bit of a manwhore in the ten years this couple was apart (shocking I know - roll eyes). I struggled a little with his not bothering to look up the heroine the ten years apart but then proclaiming he always loved her. But you know, it was what it was. Like I said, he was a decent hero.

ABBY...I liked her slightly less than Hank. I don't like heroines that make decisions for the hero thinking they are doing the best for HIM. That said, I understood her reasoning and how her past affected her present. Plus, it wasn't like Hank fought very hard. Her waffling back and forth annoyed me a bit. But she also put herself out there a couple times, so I couldn't hate her too much. I do wish authors would stop with the whole “heroine moved on but only had mediocre sex and bad dates while pining for the hero. While our hero goes on to f-ck everything that walks including supermodels. (Again I was shocked


There was a good cast of secondary characters in this one. None play HUGE rolls, but all of them added to the story. I was intrigued by a couple friends of Hank's and by Wilson (Abby's friend and co-worker). I loved Helen as well. 

Medium. There was some nice heat to this one and the frequency of the sex scenes felt organic to the story. This couple also had some good on page chemistry.

Low. I didn't find this particularly angsty. There was a lot of pushing away by the heroine and Hank's job caused some issues. There was a tiny bit of OW drama. Hank goes on a date with an OW, but nothing happens. There was also a tiny bit of OM drama in the form of a co-worker of Abby's. Neither bothered me overly much.

I liked it. Did it blow me away? No. There was nothing new with this story that I haven't read a million times in other books. But it was a sweet well written story with minimal angst. It had (fairly) likable main characters. A good cast of interesting secondary characters and it left me with a smile on my face. Therefore yours truly is giving this one a solid thumb and a half up. 

February 20, 2018Report this review