Hart Broken
2016 • 319 pages


Average rating4


This cover is a bit on the boring side. It doesn't represent the story all that well. That said the typography is interesting and eye-catching.

So I enjoyed the HELL out of this one. That is right up until the end. It was well-written. Nicely paced. Had well developed and interesting main characters (I've never read a book with a paraplegic hero before.) It had some great secondary characters. It had angst. It had feels. It was just an overall enjoyable read.

That said I did not love the ending. I see this is going to be a series of books with the same characters, so that softens the blow a bit. I just felt a bit let down by the ending. Like I had spent the whole book in a washing machine of emotions with these two characters just to get a slightly depressing ending. I didn't need marriage and babies and a happily ever after. I did need (want) something a little bit more uplifting than what we end up with.

Aside from the ending issue, this gets two thumbs up from me, and this author will for sure be on my watch list for the future.

February 27, 2017Report this review