Cover 2

Hate the Player

2020 • 366 pages

4.5Well damn! I got this series basically because I needed an audio and we had a bit of a bumpy start. Greg wasn't my favorite MC, the basic story in [b:No Apologies 29217197 No Apologies (Hollywood, #1) Tibby Armstrong 15917825] seemed at times a bit much, and the narration was just ok. Now I'm hooked and loving every book. I bow to [a:Tibby Armstrong 4141522 Tibby Armstrong] for having a vision and sticking to it and to [a:Noah Michael Levine 7056713 Noah Michael Levine] who breathed life to four very different men.If like me you had issues with Greg in the first book this one's for you. We get a clearer/truer version of his life with Aaron and of Greg himself. I actually felt for him, but what I loved most was that the author didn't change him from being a prickly ass who needs Aaron to keep him in check. He didn't become a rainbow & unicorns kind of guy. He's a creative hard ass who also loves hard and unconditionally. The author shows a relationship plausibly and logically growing. Aaron realizes who Greg really is and all the ways Greg has been brave and unflagging in his love for Aaron, how Aaron has been shielded from society's ugly face when it comes to LGBTQ people mainly because he presents as masc and is an easy going guy and Greg has not because he's a porcupine. Porcupines need love too. Aaron finally comes face to face with some hard truths. By the end of this book it's a New Day for Aaron & Greg. A better one because they finally see each other for who they truly are or are striving to be. I love that Greg & Aaron, and to some extent Kit & Jeremy, carry on sexual dynamics that can fall within the BDSM spectrum without calling it anything. It's just what works for them and I'd venture to say that it's accurate of most couples. No label needed.

May 10, 2020Report this review