Hateful Love


Average rating4.2


It's always funny when teens talk about having 'enemies' because what do you mean? That's just Blaine from Chemistry??? Be for real.

But then again, it's also a tiny bit believable because at that age you feel everything so intensely, so hell. I'll be magnanimous. Bon apetit y'alls enmity.

This was surprisingly good. Although it DID kind of give me Garron Park vibes, except one of them wasn't trailer trash.

Kudos for no third act breakups. I sort of foresaw one of them doing it for the sake of the other and I'm glad I was wrong.

Shoutout to Landon and Raid for asking that question 🙈🙈🙈because after all these books, I'm surprised the friends of the MCs never do.

Extra shoutout to the authors for the fact that the double bi awakening was so normal and not blown up into this huge angsty thing. I love that dynamic, but it was refreshing that this wasn't even an issue big enough for them to think about.

Yet another shoutout to Blaine for starting out a virgin and rapidly becoming a sex fiend, and to Silas for rolling with the punches.

Also, Jesus Christ, Bunky and Whaley! Top five terrible MC names for SURE but I'm so eager to read their story. I can't believe no one around them sees it. Blind ass men. (Unrelated: HELP! I KEEP GETTING SUCKED INTO AGE GAP ROMANCES!)

March 17, 2024Report this review