Average rating4
Oh I just KNEW Kaleb's book would be fantastic and it was! It so was. Finally getting the payoff of him finding who he's been looking for for the past few books was so satisfying, as was diving into their relationship through Sahara's memories. Kaleb was one of my favorite characters even before I read this series, when I only saw him in a few cameos in the Trinity, but this book definitely cemented him as my favorite character in the entire ‘verse. The things he went through were so horrific; I need Santano Enrique to come back to life so I can kill him again.
Kaleb and Sahara's relationship was so interesting. Kaleb is unequivocally NOT a good person, and it's written to assume that he'll never actually be a good person, even with Sahara in his life now and I think that's a really interesting story to tell in a series where pretty much every main couple has been good people at their core. Kaleb only really cares about three people, and Sahara much more than the other two. She is his entire conscience pretty much, and it gave a really sharp and interesting tone to their relationship that felt fresh.
Silence has officially fallen and I'm SO excited to see how these last few books in the series handle it!
C.A.P.E Rating:Characters - 5/5 Atmosphere - 5/5Plot - 4/5Enjoyment - 4/5