Spence's mother is dying... desperately in need of a new heart. She is number two on the donor list, so they wait...
When he finally gets the call that his mother has a heart coming, Spence checks her in at the hospital. They have been here before and were sent home. He hopes this isn't a repeat. So they wait...
Awakened by a doctor, he's told to go see his mother as she will be in surgery soon to undergo the transplant. However, the situation changes and he finds out someone has essentially stolen his mother's heart and she needs to go home. So what does Spencer do? Steals it back and in the process kidnaps a heart surgeon along the way.
What Spence doesn't know is that the someone who “stole” his mother's heart is the President. What follows is pure chaos.
I haven't read a political satire before and I'm not sure I will again. I actually didn't know this was of that genre when I read the synopsis but it sounded like a fun read so here we are.
Overall, this wasn't bad. Some parts were definitely funny. Some parts were bland and some just (insert shoulder shrug). For me, this felt over the top and innundated with political facts and history. I'm not a political buff so I don't believe this was meant for me or readers like me. However, for those who love a good political satire I would recommend this one.
I sincerely appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a review copy. All opinions expressed herein are mine and mine alone.