Cover 7

Heart's Duo



Average rating4


First things first: This cannot be read as a standalone. In fact volumes 2,3 & 4 should just be read as one whole novel in which couples sometimes flail around a bit before finding their true happy and that is not a farfetched thing. Life isn't usually a straight line. There will be detours along the way that may seem like the right path but alas are not.

Second: the blurb is crap. No one sets out to teach anyone lessons in this book. The couples just pair up as was ordained in the Parkerson universe and whatever you read or thought in the previous installments can be scrapped. And who says it's a bad thing.

In this episode of *insert name of your favorite soap Joss comes clean about the role he played in the break up of Maddox & Hawke and it turns out Maddox is more of a naughty boy rather than a bad dude and we feel for him. Joss's comeuppance is that he loves & has always loved Maddox. Will he be forgiven or has he gone too far.

Parallel to Maddox & Joss we have Sophie & Benton. Benton who in a very short space of time became one of my favorites perhaps because though he may feel as deeply as the rest he keeps his cool. He is British after all. He and Sophie make a perfect couple. I especially loved how she handled the unexpected visitors they had at Benton's cottage.

The way the relationships between all of the guys were repaired was a beautiful thing because the foundation of love and friendship has underpinned the whole series. As a bonus we have Mrs. Moore (Kathy) Hawke & Sophie's mom. She's a blast. I love her.

There is one more installment having to do with a character introduced here, Finn, but really with this book the gang is all on their way to HEA with their respective significant other. Cade & Dylan get married, Jamie & Hawke continue married bliss as Jamie's career skyrockets, Sophie & Benton find they are a perfect match and finally the heretofore always in the background Joss reveal his heart to Maddox who recognizes him as the beat that was always there.

Yes everyone here is gorgeous and loves so deeply that their soul aches at the sight of the beloved but for the space of these books I was sucked in and I won't lie.

* I mostly listened to this series and I have to commend [a:Hollie Jackson|7830771|Hollie Jackson|] for an awesome job. Some people complain of a woman narrating a series with mostly male voices but I think she did a great job. Plus are we really going to complain of a woman narrator in the MM genre that is mostly written by women and read by women?*

July 2, 2016Report this review