Cover 4

Heart's Song



Average rating4


***Update after reading Bk. 3 [b:Heart's Strum 24912719 Heart's Strum (Ugly Eternity Book 3) Charity Parkerson 44310504]Now having a clear picture that this was a set up for the stories between Joss & Jamie (the twins), Hawke and his sister Sophie, and the snake in the garden who is Maddox I can say I enjoyed it. Yes. I'm pretty expansive in what I consider a love story. It could be a weekend of love or a few years. It doesn't diminish the actuality of it. Sometimes, many times, we piss away a good thing we've had but the memory lingers & while we were living it the love was real. I'm not quite sure how old Hawke & Maddox are or Jamie & Joss, though I surmise they're over 25, they act and speak in the hyperbolic language of adolescence. Every breath is the last one. The air is displaced by the beloved entering a room etc. But that's how passionate love feels and these guys are musicians/artists and Hawke just plainly feels too much.So what do I mean by all this? That if you are in the mood for a short intense romance between two people who have a whole back story that has happened off page for some years and that in spite of their avowals of eternal and undying love you won't be too upset if they don't have HEA you could do worse than this book. Also whatever happens later shouldn't be too surprising given the amount of time allotted to other characters in such a short book. Just saying. But while this book lasts they will be happy.I like this group and am invested in their couplings and un-couplings. Maddox is a grade A ahole but you can see the appeal. Addictions are like that. Unreasonable.Sophie is someone I'm super curious aboutJoss has me very intriguedJamie will be center stage in the next book and you know he's going to be great.Hawke's parents are oddly likable despite what they've doneFor those who need reassurance in HEA Cade & Dylan are an ongoing force.I'm super curious about this band EXILE who are always referenced but have apparently died in a plane crash. That's a story I would want to read.****I'm going reserve rating and reviewing this as it is very clear that this an installment in an ongoing whole. I am however quite interested ;-)Moving right on to the next one.

June 29, 2016Report this review