Heat of Passion
2009 • 86 pages


Average rating3.4


Yep, I'm on a roll and I like it. This is what happens when I realize that somehow I have all the books in a series but haven't read it. Pretty awesome ABs are just the cherry on top.Here we have Apollo Floros, the SEAL lieutenant who was so helpful to our dear Zack in the previous book. It's been two year since his husband died, leaving Apollo with adorable twins, Chloe & Sophia, and a gaping hole in his life. Lucky for him Dylan, his best friend's baby brother, isn't a baby anymore and the teenage crush is a full blown torch. I loved these two. I loved how Dylan was infinitely patient with Apollo but also stood up to him. Stood up for himself. I loved the twins. They were adorable in a real way. There's a 10 year age difference between the MC but it wasn't really a thing. Apollo wanted it to be, to use it as a shield for his heart but ultimately he's powerless in the face of the rightness that is Dylan. I loved the quiet moments of affection and tenderness that contrasted with the fireworks when these two hit the sheets. I loved that the obstacles you would expect weren't a thing. I love how [a:Annabeth Albert 6477494 Annabeth Albert https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1497461817p2/6477494.jpg] peoples her books with people of all races, sizes, and genders in all walks of life without fanfare or neon lights. They just are. Like real life. Imagine that. Lastly but ABSOLUTELY not least I FREAKIN LOVED the AB by [a:Cooper North 13997076 Cooper North https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]. He gives us gruff Apollo, Dylan with a smile in his voice or choking with emotion or sex, he gives us two 5 year old little girls, and you know exactly which one is speaking, not to mention the rest of friends and family. AMAZING. I'm off to book 3. Toodles.

August 18, 2020Report this review