Heaven's queen

Heaven's queen

2014 • 389 pages


Average rating3.8


Have finished reading Heaven's Queen for a second time. I found the first 100 pages slow for me. But, then it really kicks into high gear for me. I love when Devi goes to Nova's family's space station. I was on the edge of my seat as she approached Dark Star station.

Like some other reviewers, I also did not like how she pays back Anthony for his care and concern. But, a heroine does not have to be perfect. She can have flaws and behave in ways that we don't agree with. I forgive a great deal, because Devi has made a promise to the young girls who are being exploited that she risks everything to keep. As you see when you read this story, she is not just risking her life. She is risking much, much more. Many of the people she must fight are good people who disagree with her decision.

The part I most enjoy is the interaction Devi must go through with the alien races to accomplish her impossible mission. She talks to alien races that are so beyond human comprehension that we barely exist on the same plane of existence.

This will be a very enjoyable book for some people. There is a great deal of violence and fighting. It felt like half the book was describing fighting or the aftermath of fighting. There is some graphic romance that is a major part of the story. This is full blown science fiction, with space ships, FTL travel, planets and alien races. If you can tolerate all that, I really think you should give this series a try. You should read the 3 books in order, they are tightly interlocked through chronological events.