Hell Phone, Book One

Hell Phone, Book One

2022 • 160 pages


Average rating2


Have I mentioned how much I hate cliffhangers? 
Everything else about this first book (no idea when that second is coming, grrrr😤) I quite enjoyed. 

The story: My preferred level of creepy - not too gory, not too sad, bit silly, more about the mystery than the spooky. 

The characters: Obviously angled towards a younger crowd than me, but good friends with minimal friction that accept each other's foibles and support each other regardless is a timelessly appreciable trope.

The illustration style:
Hurray for full vibrant colour !
Something about the character illustration reminds me of Betty Boop.
There's probably a whole subgenre that caters to the idea, but in multiple-source-recommendations meander through graphic novels, I don't often come across one frequently playing with the clothing fashions of the characters when it's not central to the plot. It was fun, and added more variety to the page. 

March 4, 2023Report this review