Her Wild American Self

Her Wild American Self


Average rating4


I am not a huge fan of short stories, but when they're done right then it's hard not to love them. This book in particular was a good collection of tales told from a female Filipino-American point of view. For that reason alone, I love it. It was great to see our voice being put out there, and the author does a great job representing different generations.

As a whole, I think the collection was lacking. I wish there was more pride woven throughout the stories. It was quite a depressing read, and some of the stories could have been replaced with something lighter and more hopeful. Personally, I could not relate to a lot of the stories; however, I can see what the author was doing and appreciate her work.

My favorite story from this group was Filming Sausages. It was written so well, and it very relatable to all women of any culture. It made me feel very uncomfortable and angry at the same time. 5 out of 5 for that short story.

Overall, I would rate this book a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

August 9, 2014Report this review