Average rating4.4
Wow, this was so good. Definitely up there with one of my favourite books of the year.
Not only was this great as its own book, but grouped with the first books in the 3 series in the saga released at the same time, it was outstanding.
- Demon (Archives of the Godeater) - 5 stars
- Deathless (Annals of the Godeater) - 4 stars
- Herald (Age of the Godeater) - 5 stars
Although the author recommends reading them in order of Age, Annals, Archives, I read them the other way around and I'm pleased I did, as I feel like I already had some background and depth to the history of the story before we got to this age.
I loved that in each book, we became connected to the characters, only to have our view of them twisted in the next book. Both the humans and the angels have done good things and awful things, so who are the good guys? Neither of them? I think if I'd read Herald first, I wouldn't have these questions which I'm now dying to find out the answers to.
Just now the wait for the second books to come out!