Hex Education

Hex Education

2023 • 336 pages


Average rating2.5


Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

A high 2 stars. (Mostly for Katy Purry, the fabulous cat!) Lots of potential and a promising start, but it went downhill from there and concluded with a terrible ending.

I enjoyed Suburban Hell by the same author. It wasn't perfect and I had some issues with it, but it was still really great and I was looking forward to this book. Sadly, it had all the same problems and in addition to that, it was also pretty boring after the 40% mark and had an ending that infuriated me because it made absolutely no sense!

Like Suburban Hell, this is a Contemporary novel, with a light sprinkling of undefined magic. Not a genre Fantasy or Thriller book, which was fine as I hadn't expected it to be! Some problems both books shared, in my opinion, were that they are too long, repetitive when it comes to the protagonist's worries and internal thoughts and very obvious and heavy-handed with the thematic content.

I also found the blurb misleading, as this is not a story about a coven and the friendships between a group of women. It's about Sarah. And only about her. The other two ladies are barely in this book and when they show up, they have no personality besides being incredibly selfish. They might as well be cardboard cutouts, standing in the background! Some of Sarah's random neighbours or her kids' friends have more depth and they aren't even relevant to the story!

I might have been able to still enjoy the story despite all those issues, but what pushed this book from fine to bad - and not very well plotted - was the ending. It made absolutely no sense and I hated it! It was also incredibly anticlimactic and this book has basically no plot, so the ending needed to be good! However, it only made me mad, thanks to all that wasted potential. Even the amazing cat Katy Purry couldn't make up for that!

July 21, 2023Report this review