High Reward
2018 • 363 pages


Average rating5


High Reward continues where High Risk left us, with that happy for now. And, spoiler alert! That changes and quite drastically.

Beautiful, angst-ridden, and emotional. This book will have you feeling ALL the emotions and swearing all the curse words, and swooning all the swoons. It is everything I could have hoped for and then some. One of the best books of 2018.

It's no secret that I love broken characters. The more they behave a-holeish the more I love them, and Ryan Tyler fits that bill perfectly. He was everything I loved. A character that I could equally love and hate...okay, hate's a little strong – I didn't hate him, I just wanted to punch him in the nads a few times. His brokeness was endearing, his inner turmoil and guilt really made it hard not to understand some of the decisions he made...even if I didn't agree with them. In his mind, he was doing the right thing and that is what made him so endearing. Gray is everything. This book really brought her character out of her shell and although I liked her before, I absolutely adore her now. She's a fighter who fought hard. She wasn't going to go away quietly to make things easy. Her strength was what got them both through some tough situations and that was a joy to read about. The chemistry between them was palpable. They were figuratively on fire and it was melt your kindles type of sexy. There is a scene that mirrors a scene in High Risk and it was just heartbreaking. Watching him finally ‘get it' and come to terms with his loss and admit to himself how he was feeling and that there was a problem just made the story come together perfectly. Mirroring the scenes was pure genius. I loved that detail so much. It really gave a nice feel of coming full circle for the characters. I loved that the characters didn't need saving, but were able to save themselves and have the support of the other. The epilogue was perfect. It was perfect for this couple. And exactly what they deserved. Because after everything they had been through they deserved some happiness.

I loved the character and story development throughout this duet. It gives you so much to connect with. So many threads to follow that it's beautiful. Heck, you even get a side romance. Plus, lots of breadcrumbs for future stories. I cannot wait for more. This is one of my favourite books of the year. Speaking of characters, Pari continued to be a favourite and her side-romance was a cute addition to the story. Noah...sigh, I still need his story ASAP. I had concerns about Keely and I have never been happier to be wrong. I loved her and I hope she gets a HEA – if not in a story of her own, then as a side-story in one of the other books.

If you've been hanging on until the duet was complete to dive in. Now is the time. If you've been hanging on because you are a fan of the Gaming the System series and the thought of a new series scares you – I get it, what if you don't like these new characters, right? Trust me. If you enjoy Brenna's writing, you will LOVE this duet. You still get the same attention to detail, you get the geeky goodness and pop culture references that you've become accustomed too. You get characters you can't help but have a reaction to – in every way. You'll want to bash heads, you'll fall in love. You'll curse all the curse words. You get the character and story development you're used to. YOU WILL SWOON! Oh, and you still get a little Adam & Mia too. What are you waiting for?

December 5, 2018Report this review