High Risk
2018 • 383 pages


Average rating5


When I heard Brenna Aubrey was not only working on a new book but a new series, I got a tad excited. I love her words so much. She always brings the feels with a fantastic amount of geeky goodness - my favourite thing. When I heard the story was going to be about an astronaut I thought, ‘whoa, okay, this is different. Different from what I've read from her in the past, and different from anything I've really read.' Brenna does not disappoint, and although this is a duet, the book ends on a happy for now. So, I wasn't kicking and screaming that I have to wait two months for the next book. This book is written beautifully, I can totally understand the need for a duet, I don't think one book would have done this story and this couple justice. Having it split over two gave the story time to develop organically and I just love that. And, I'm not usually a duet fan - mainly because they're usually the size of one book split into two, not the case here, this is a full length, in fact, it's almost double the size of some full length novels so you're definitely getting your money's worth with this bad boy.

The characters are always an integral part of the story and they really are an interesting mix. They had me cursing, and swooning, and laughing. Maybe, some throat punching too. Commander Ryan Tyler has had it rough the past year, so his behaviour is understandable, he's hurting, and he's trying his best to keep a promise he made, he'll do whatever it takes. I don't think he ever envisioned Gray, but, she's just what he needs. He's a cocky arse and I just adore him because he's really a sweet guy. He cares and his pain is palpable. I may have shed a tear or two for him. I was also swooning hard for this guy. His term of endearment for Gray was pure perfection.
When we first met Gray Barrett I have to admit I wasn't her biggest fan, she says something that had me sitting up and saying, ‘what the heck? Hell no, she did not!' However, not long after, I warmed to her and by the end, I was in love with this girl. She is smart and funny, and charming, no wonder Ryan falls for her. Heck, I was falling with him. She's incredibly strong - I should have known, Brenna is the queen of strong heroines. I was definitely kept guessing about her past for a while there. Their chemistry is explosive. You could almost feel the sexual tension leaking off the page. And when they finally give in to their desire? Oh. My. Word. Talk about out of this world. It was Kindle melting hot. There is one character that I disliked from the beginning, and by the end, I actually hated him, the things he said, no freaking way, I don't care about his reasons, not cool. I wanted to punch him in the throat. I loved Gray and Pari's friendship, it was fun yet sweet. When we were first introduced to Keely, I thought I was going to dislike her, but, actually, she seemed nice - but, whether that changes in book two remains to be seen. Ryan's teammates are interesting and I'm hoping they each get stories too. I may have my eye on Noah.

One of the things I loved about this book was the space aspect, you can tell that the author has a passion for the subject and did the research and it stands out. The fact that the details were explained, but not overly so was perfect. It's difficult to find that balance, but, I think Brenna does a stunning job of it. I am going to be all over this series. I need ALL the stories. Brenna never ceases to amaze me with her skill for drawing the reader in and submerging them in the world she has created. Making them fall for characters and even change their mind about them. This is a book not to be missed. Make sure you pick up your copy asap.

October 3, 2018Report this review