2018 • 264 pages


Average rating5


Edit/Addition belowI finished reading this yesterday and I'm still not quite sure I can coherently express how much I loved it or why. I'm super grateful to good friends aka Moony who nudge me to try things I skirt around like YA. [a:Laura Lascarso 5306920 Laura Lascarso https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1488342626p2/5306920.jpg] has gifted us with the story of Hiroku Hayashi (such a beautiful name) a teenager who at 15 feels more alien than most. He's a first generation Japanese-American living in Austin, Tx., he's an artist, which by nature makes him an outsider, and he's coming to terms with the fact that he's likely gay. I am none of those things yet I felt a kinship with Hiroku's story because to quote [a:Publius Terentius (Afer) 17788187 Publius Terentius (Afer) https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]: “nothing human is alien to me” and Hiroku is one the most human characters I've recently encountered. Same goes for Seth, the catalyst for Hiroku's highs and lows. I could say a whole lot about this story: how Hiroku & Seth's all consuming need for each other felt like walking around with an open wound you don't want to heal because it's what makes you feel alive, how though I could see the pitfalls that awaited them I didn't want to get off the ride because I remember, all too clearly, that type of relationship where you can't see beyond your lover's skin and you don't want to, even when your saner self is sending distress signals, how despite events in the story I didn't feel like there were true villains here, just kids growing up, some in need of some serious comeuppance and correction but ultimately just humans. Other than that I'd say you should just experience this beautiful story, let your heart beat a little faster, and wonder whatever happened to that first person who made your insides liquid mush. It's a good thing. Besides Hiroku and Seth the story is full of people I wouldn't mind knowing in RL. Mai and Mitchell are two of those still waters who run deep and true, to say nothing of Sabrina, a good friend even in extremis. The cherry on top of all this goodness of lyrical and authentic writing is one the most ridiculously beautiful covers I've seen in a while. Just gorgeous.Plus, plus, plus ... : I would have LL DJ any party or compile a road trip playlist. The music selection in this book is dead-on and adds an extra layer to the narrative, so dust off your Violent Femmes and crank up your Neil Young, your soul will thank you.

February 4, 2020Report this review