Cover 6

His Omega

3.5 // 1 1/2 of the stars are for the audio

A few days ago a friend sent me a pic of his late night “snack”: a frosted Twinkie with sprinkles on two scoops of vanilla ice cream. I almost threw up in my mouth because I'm generally the person who skips dessert after diner. Not a sweets lover. At all. And yet ... oh Joel Leslie the things you make me do.

If you're in a generous mood, need to have your hands free, and don't want to engage your brain too much this might work for you. This is basically a Cinderella story of pure, good, and unknowingly talented Sean meeting his true mate Armand, the most powerful (and rich) Alpha in North America and falling head over heels for each other.

I'm willing to accept all the blah blah blah that goes with the creation of this world, where Sean is cavity-inducing sweet and good and so is Armand. That kind of INSTA love is acceptable within PNR romance so I won't gripe about that, however this could probably be about 50 pages long. I don't know exactly how long it is or how well it's written because it was an audio and duh Joel Leslie, who can turn dross into gold. Still there were hours dedicated to explaining to Sean EVERYTHING about werewolves, pack life, mates, etc. The excuse is that Sean has been raised in the human world and thus needs elucidation but it could've been a bit more show and less tell. It felt more like intro information to set up the series. No shame in that but it could've been handled in a different way.

This is as good a place as any to lay out another general gripe, but one which comes to play in this book. Whenever I read a romance where one of the MCs is rich, like beyond millionaire rich, the working class/less financially fortunate MC must strenuously refuse gifts or be uncomfortable living in luxury to prove ... what? Moral integrity? Goodness? Dunno. At one point in this story Sean takes Armand to Costco to buy Halloween candy because buying in bulk will be cheaper. Really? Is it meant to be funny? Because Armand is the CEO of a Holding Company worth billions. Later they go shopping and Sean wants to buy children's clothing at J.C. Penny because they outgrow it quickly and Armand's suggestion of Macy's is shot down as too expensive. Really? Warren Buffet is the anomaly among our current crop of billionaires.

February 11, 2018Report this review